Runway Learning
On this page you will find introductory resources for those new to innovation and entrepreneurship. Coming up with, testing and developing a new idea follows a process unlike anything else with the possible exceptions of writing new music or creating another form of art. Often it starts with an idea about how to make the world (or at least a small corner of it) a better place.
Students often fear that they lack the expertise or network to make much of a difference, but in reality you have the advantage of not being stuck in current ways of doing things. This means that you can often ask questions that incumbents don’t think to and because you don’t have to change what is already there, can create opportunities from scratch that are much better than anything that has gone before.
Lecture 1: Introduction to Innovation
The main aim of this topic is to debunk some of the myths that exist around innovation. This 20 minute video reframes some common views about innovation.
Lecture 2: Introducing Lean Start-up
This 25 minute video explains the rationale behind lean start-up and how it can be practically implemented. it is only a primer, but in describing the build-measure-learn loop we also illustrate some thoughts on prototyping and introduce the Lean Canvas.
Lecture 3: Value Proposition Design
This 15 minute video walks you through the reasons why so many products fail to resonate with their customers, the motivation that help customers buy and the frictions that hinder them before finally moving on to a tool to help you articulate your offer in such away that it is obvious to your customers why they want to buy it.
Lecture 4: An Introduction to Intellectual Property
This 23 minute video walks you through the essential of Intellectual Property protection. It looks at trademarks, design rights, trade secrets, copyright and patents with some indication of the costs of securing them, advantages and disadvantages and also at what stage of your venture evolution, you are most at risk of somebody stealing your idea.
Lecture 5: Pitching Masterclass
This 25 minute video sets out some guidance on how to create a 10 minute and 10 slide pitch deck. Although the exact order is not particulalrly presecribed, there are cerain key components that investors and customers will expect to see. The video also shares some tools and techniques for using visuals and imagery to convey your key messages along with some examples of templates that work well.